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No shortage of drugs in Kristianstad- traces found in five bars of six: 'It's hell'

Drugs are widely available in Kristianstad. Kb/NSk went on a pub crawl - looking for traces.
Sure enough, they found evidence - five bars of the six visited showed a positive result.
– It's hell, says Martin Nygren, who owns Blom and Borgmästaregården.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 5 juni 2023
Resultatet av tolv kokainservetter testade på tolv toaletter på sex krogar i Kristianstad. Hälften visade spår av kokain.
Resultatet av tolv kokainservetter testade på tolv toaletter på sex krogar i Kristianstad. Hälften visade spår av kokain.

It's payday. In bars and clubs in Kristianstad people have come together to dance, have a drink and sing karaoke.

Kb/NSk are out in the town to write an article on the local night life. In the course of the evening we manage to meet plenty of happy night-club guests when we drop in to six of Kristianstad's venues.

Kb/NSk började med att besöka barerna och gick sedan vidare till nattklubbarna.
Kb/NSk började med att besöka barerna och gick sedan vidare till nattklubbarna.Foto: Simon Rehnström

But we spend a lot of our time in the bars' toilets as well. For we're not only reporting on the town's night life, we're also looking for traces of cocaine.

To help us we have wet wipes made to identify tiny traces of cocaine on surfaces which have been in contact with the drug. The pink wipes, which smell of alcohol, can pick up traces as small as 0.04 milligrams, and turn blue on contact.

Krogägarna berättar alla att det är svårt att förhindra att narkotika förekommer.
Krogägarna berättar alla att det är svårt att förhindra att narkotika förekommer.Foto: Simon Rehnström

We start at Biljardkompaniet, which we visit at about ten pm. We choose a toilet each and go in.

Wearing plastic gloves we draw the wipes over all kinds of surfaces, toilet seats, wash-hand basins, toilet-paper holders, walls and shelves. But without result. We continue our round.

Det är inte bara Kb/NSk som är ute denna lördag. Det har precis varit löning och dessutom är det storhelg.
Det är inte bara Kb/NSk som är ute denna lördag. Det har precis varit löning och dessutom är det storhelg.Foto: Simon Rehnström

Our next visit is to Kongen, where we repeat the procedure. One of the wipes remains pink. But in the other toilet something happens when the wipe is drawn over a toilet-paper holder. Patches of neon blue show on the wipe. There are traces of cocaine.

And so the evening goes on. We go to Borgmästargården, Teaterbaren, Blom and Bånken. In each place we draw the wipes over different surfaces in toilets that are chosen at random.

En av servetterna tagna på Kongen.
En av servetterna tagna på Kongen.Foto: Simon Rehnström

At Borgmästargården one of the wipes shows a reaction for cocaine, this time on the wash-hand basin.

In the bars two of the wipes have shown a reaction so far. But when we get to the nightclubs, there are more and more.

Servetterna från en av toaletterna inne på Blom.
Servetterna från en av toaletterna inne på Blom.Foto: Simon Rehnström

In the Ladies' at Teaterbaren the wipe remains pink. But in the Gents' there is a blue reaction, admittedly slight, but nonetheless a reaction.

At Blom nightclub there is a reaction in both the women's and the men's toilets. The wipe used there in the men's toilet shows the strongest reaction of all the tests carried out that evening.

Stor rörelse på Stora Torg under löningslördagen.
Stor rörelse på Stora Torg under löningslördagen.Foto: Simon Rehnström

At Bånken too one of the wipes shows a reaction, from the men's toilet.

Conclusion: In six of the twelve toilets in bars we went to, traces of cocaine were found. The only place where nothing was found was at Biljardkompaniet, which we visited earliest.

Kb/NSk besökte krogarna, däribland Bånken, under löningslördagen i april.
Kb/NSk besökte krogarna, däribland Bånken, under löningslördagen i april.Foto: Simon Rehnström

So in five bars out of the six we visited on Saturday night there are traces of cocaine in the toilets.

Olivia BirganderSkicka e-post
Karl LjungbergSkicka e-post
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