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Ibrahim is training to be a security guard – in Boden

Boden/Glimåkra • Publicerad 10 augusti 2020
Ibrahim Abwini from Glimåkra has trained as a security guard in Boden. ”Now I’m just longing to come home and start working”.
Ibrahim Abwini from Glimåkra has trained as a security guard in Boden. ”Now I’m just longing to come home and start working”.Foto: Privat

”Östra Göinge is best”, says Ibrahim Abwini, aged 23. Kb Mosaik talks to him in Boden, where he is training to be a security guard. Last autumn things weren’t so bright for him. He was receiving economic support and had to go to Göinge Ung.

Ibrahim Abwini came from Syria in 2014. He lives in Glimåkra. His mother and three siblings live outside Kalmar.


– In the autumn I lived on social security money. You can’t get money without doing anything. They made me go to Göinge Ung, he says.

”I’ve borrowed some money. When I get a job I can pay it back. I don’t have any regrets”
Ibrahim Abwini

He didn’t like being made to do it, but he went along in any case.

– I enjoyed it right from the start, we talked about everything under the sun. I learned a lot about laws, about what we may and may not do, about different kinds of trainning programmes, about wages in different jobs, my references, he says.

The train journey to Boden took 18 hours. When Ibrahim Abwini arrived there it was cold and dark, with snow everywhere.  Now it is lighter. ”But I’m longing to come home to Glimåkra”, he says.
The train journey to Boden took 18 hours. When Ibrahim Abwini arrived there it was cold and dark, with snow everywhere. Now it is lighter. ”But I’m longing to come home to Glimåkra”, he says.Foto: Privat

Ibrahim started on the electrical engineering programme at NTI upper secondary school, but he didn’t really like it.

– I just wanted to finish the course. But then I grew tired of studying and took time out.

”If you just take things seriously, you can do it. I’m absolutely certain that I’ll be able to do the job”
Ibrahim Abwini

He tried to find a job.

– It was hard. If you don’t have training and experience you can’t get a job here in Sweden.

Why did you choose to train as a security guard in Boden?

– One of my friends did that in 2017, and he told me about it.

Ibrahim Abwini has trained as a security guard in Boden.
Ibrahim Abwini has trained as a security guard in Boden.Foto: Privat

The course lasts two months, and includes 160 hours of practical training. . The students live in a hostel. The training plus expenses cost Ibrahim in the region of 27,000 crowns.


– I’ve borrowed some money. When I get a job I can pay it back. I don’t have any regrets, he says.

”I’m really looking forward to start working”
Ibrahim Abwini

Why do you want to be a security guard?

– It suits me. I’m tall and well-built. The training is quite short, so I thought, ”Why not?” And I’ve passed my exams. If you just take things seriously, you can do it. I’m absolutely certain that I’ll be able to do the job.

– I’m longing to get home to Glimåkra. I’ve been here for two months. But I’ve made a lot of friends from all over Sweden.

When he gets back to Glimåkra he wants to use a CSN loan to sit his driving-test.

– I’ll try to manage it. But there are jobs for security guards where you don’t need a driving-licence. You can be in just one place, go on patrol, work in reception. I’m really looking forward to start working.

Inga-Lill BengtssonSkicka e-post
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