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Global railway giant to open branch in Kristianstad

One of the biggest railway companies, French Systra, is to open a branch in Kristianstad.
The first 25 employees have already been recruited. Nxt year at this time there are to be twice as many.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 13 september 2023
Bruno Susak, nordisk vd för Systra
Bruno Susak, nordisk vd för SystraFoto: Henrik Montgomery/TT, Mikael Persson, Systra AB

Systra already has branches in Malmö and Helsingborg. On 28th September the concern will open its third branch in Skåne, in Kristianstad. It will be at Västra Storgatan 51B, in the same building as Thai Kong's restaurant.

”Vi har anställt folk som har god kontakt och kunskap om projekten och som kommit snabbt in i arbetet”, säger Bruno Susak, nordisk vd för Systra.
”Vi har anställt folk som har god kontakt och kunskap om projekten och som kommit snabbt in i arbetet”, säger Bruno Susak, nordisk vd för Systra.Foto: Systra AB

That Kristianstad was chosen is due to the fact that Systra has found the proper competence locally.


– What is most important is that we have engineers competent in infrastructure and town and country planning. We have found a good capacity in Kristianstad and are planning to develop and grow over a longer period, says Bruno Susak ,Systra's Nordic managing director.

Bruno Susak invigde Systras utökade kontor i Helsingborg på torsdagen.
Bruno Susak invigde Systras utökade kontor i Helsingborg på torsdagen.Foto: Systra AB

What competence are you looking for?

– Primarily all kinds of engineers, for railways, roads and bridges, but also experienced builders, landscape architects, analysts and traffic planners,

Colleagues will work with infrastructure projects for both railways and roads, for example with the development of the E22 at Gualöv.

– We also do a great deal of work for the municipality of Kristianstad in a large number of projects, but also with local contractors.

Ingela RutbergSkicka e-post
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