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Enemy invaded Åhus when Aurora 23 was at its peak: "We are ready"

Åhus has been invaded! Enemy troops have disembarked and now it’s up to the army to fight back.
This was the scenario at Rinkaby field on Saturday when Aurora 23 carried out one of its biggest military exercises to date.
There were forces from Finland, the USA and Sweden on site, including the Commander-in-Chief Micael Bydén himself.
- You should absolutely feel safe, however, the situation in the outside world is very peculiar right now, says Micael Bydén to people living in Skåne.
Åhus • Publicerad 8 maj 2023
splitFoto: Jens Christian

TP 84 Hercules, a military transport aircraft, left Arlanda airport on Friday afternoon.

The destination was Everöd, and sitting on the plane reading a book about the Swedish evacuation from Kabul, was Sweden's Commander-in-Chief Micael Bydén.


There were several other top military personnel with him, invited guests and the press – including Kb/NSk's freelance photographer Jens Christian.

Why was northeast Skåne the destination? As one of the biggest military exercises under Aurora 23 was to take place on Rinkaby field.

Micael Bydéns polska motsvarighet, Rajmund T. Andrzejczak, var också på plats i Rinkaby.
Micael Bydéns polska motsvarighet, Rajmund T. Andrzejczak, var också på plats i Rinkaby.Foto: Jens Christian

The scenario: the enemy has arrived on the Swedish coast – Åhus, and is attempting to land.

Some of the enemy's forces are already ashore and the armed forces task is to limit their ability to disembark. In short: drive the enemy out – back out to sea.

A battle broke out on the field, the Swedish tanks and the two large Archer pieces fired lose cannon shots, filling the field with smoke.

Units from Finland participated as well as Swedes and Americans.

All the participants and tanks lined up when the battle was over. Commander-in-Chief, Micael Bydén, came forward and thanked all the servicemen before the armed forces and invited guest mingled.

Försvarets nya Archersystem testades på övningen.
Försvarets nya Archersystem testades på övningen.Foto: Jens Christian

Can those of us living in Skåne feel safe?

– You should absolutely feel safe, I really hope everyone does. With the military demonstration that took place today, but also all the military exercises that have been ongoing since April 17. Yes, you should feel safe. However, the situation in the outside world is very peculiar right now, says Micael Bydén and continues:

The entire exercise was over in just a few hours, a trip to Åhus Seaside followed, where lunch awaited the top names in the military. A few hours later, the bus left Åhus for the airport and the commander-in-chief left Skåne – for now.

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