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Emergency services on the wave of fires in Kristianstad: "Prepare for the worst"

A dozen fires since Saturday – all over Kristianstad.
The emergency services have met politicians to discuss the numerous fires that have taken place over the past few days.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 9 september 2022
En av lördagens bränder i Vattenriket.
En av lördagens bränder i Vattenriket.Foto: Mikael Persson

– Of course we’re on alert, says Patrik Freij, Internal Officer with the emergency services.

On Wednesday, the emergency services met politicians in the Municipal Board's Executive Committee to provide a picture of the situation following the fires over the past few days.

Räddningstjänstens inre befäl Mattias Östling och Patrik Freij.
Räddningstjänstens inre befäl Mattias Östling och Patrik Freij.Foto: Elin Nilsson

The emergency service's Internal Officer Patrik Freij was present.

– They were presented with a picture of what happened this weekend and last Tuesday. We showed them which alarms were raised and where we put the fires out on a map – so that they could get a picture of the situation from us and what we did and didn't do, says Freij.

The emergency services do not have any additional manpower as a result of the fires that have taken place.

Municipal councilor Pierre Månsson (L) wants to make a call to the public:

– I want to ask the public to be extra alert. It is important that these fires are stopped at an early stage.

Andreas Bengtsson, räddningschef.
Andreas Bengtsson, räddningschef.Foto: Tommy Svensson

There is also an appeal to residents from Andreas Bengtsson, Manager of the emergency services, on the municipality's website.

He also suggests residents in Kristianstad to check their own fire safety equipment and to get fire extinguishers and fire blankets.

Här saknas innehåll

Sigrid NurboSkicka e-post
Karolina AlfredssonSkicka e-post
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