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Apply for jobs in several professions: Speed interviews on Tuesday

Jobs in warehouses, custodial staff and jobs in stores with several professions are currently recruiting at the job matching event on Tuesday. Where? At Kyrkogatan 6 in Broby.
Broby • Publicerad 5 oktober 2020
Here at Kyrkogatan 6 in Broby, anyone looking for a job can take part in job matching every Tuesday at 10 am-12 pm. The job matching takes place outdoors.
Here at Kyrkogatan 6 in Broby, anyone looking for a job can take part in job matching every Tuesday at 10 am-12 pm. The job matching takes place outdoors.Foto: Johan Nilsson/TT

It’s at the same time as usual, 10 am-12 pm, and the meetings will continue to take place outdoors now during corona times.

This time, there is a little extra focus on those who want to work in industry, in warehouses, as retail employees or in cleaning. There are also jobs for fitters, welders and truck drivers, says the municipality's Labour Market Department.

Job matching meetings have attracted a growing amount of attention since they started in April 2019.

Anyone can go there; you don’t need to be registered with the Job Centre (Arbetsförmedlingen).

Carl-Johan LiljedahlSkicka e-post
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