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A mini library on the electrical cabinet

Small mini libraries have appeared in 100 places in Sweden. Kristianstad is one of them. It is NVB, Nykterhetsrörelsens Bildningsverksamhet, (the sobriety and educational movement), who is behind this activity.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 3 februari 2022
The mini libraries can be found on Tivoligatan, and a total of 100 places - from Smygehuk to Abisko.
The mini libraries can be found on Tivoligatan, and a total of 100 places - from Smygehuk to Abisko.

If you want to borrow books you can go to Tivoligatan in Kristianstad, where you can find one of the mini NVB’s libraries.

”The idea is that one can borrow a book, underline and make comments in the book and the put the book back”
AnnSofie Hellström, NBV

– Authors have donated the books. The idea is that one can borrow a book, underline and make comments in the book and the put the book back. That way anyone else who borrows that book can take part in what has been underlined or commented, says AnnSofie Hellström, operations developer.

Authors have donated the books. You can just borrow for free.
Authors have donated the books. You can just borrow for free.Foto: Sune Johannesson

Här saknas innehåll


According to NVB there are less and less people who read books.

– We want to encourage people to go to the mini library and borrow a book or just to see it, says AnnSofie Hellström.

Emma LundbergSkicka e-post
Så här jobbar Mosaik Kristianstadsbladet med journalistik. Uppgifter som publiceras ska vara korrekta och relevanta. Vi strävar efter förstahandskällor och att vara på plats där det händer. Trovärdighet och opartiskhet är centrala värden för vår nyhetsjournalistik.