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78 job contracts in a week

At least 78 job contracts were signed last week. This includes strawberry-pickers recruited with the help of Östra Göinge municipality’s employment centre.
Östra Göinge • Publicerad 22 juni 2020
The corona pandmic has made it difficult to find strawberry-pickers this year.
The corona pandmic has made it difficult to find strawberry-pickers this year.Foto: LENA EHRING

– Göingematchning has provided us with a good platform and meeting-place for recruitment. Last Friday we held a ”strawberry- matching” session for a couple of hours, and we had a lot of interested would-be strawberry-pickers, Åsa Linné, head of the section , told the municipality’s website.

– We work on a broad front with various firms and types of job, in which environment-friendly businesses have been one line, she says.


The employment centre has a big bank of candidates from preparatory activities, for instance.

– And our good contact with the employment centre enables us to make use of their toolbox with training programmes, support in employment and so on when it fits into what has to be done, says Åsa Linné.

Open-air Göingematchning is taking a break, but the employment centre is open as usual, and can be contacted by e-mail.

Här saknas innehåll

Carl-Johan LiljedahlSkicka e-post
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