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Many children being treated for RS-virus – children's emergency department on its knees

Parents and children may have to wait out of doors when they come to the children's emergency department in Kristianstad. One reason is that the RS-virus has increased considerably and that many come seeking help. The children's emergency department gives advice on how to avoid the virus and how you as a parent can give treatment at home.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 15 oktober 2021
Children's emergency department at CSK Kristianstad. Helène Ljungdahl, head of the unit, and Daniel Gedeborg, head doctor.
Children's emergency department at CSK Kristianstad. Helène Ljungdahl, head of the unit, and Daniel Gedeborg, head doctor.Foto: Tommy Svensson

– At present we have twice as many cases as normal at the children's emergency department, says Helène Ljungdahl, head of the unit.

The RS-virus spreads easily and CSK still has its protective measures against covid in place.


– Patients we think have a respiratory infection or covid must unfortunately wait outside in a tent or in their car, she says.

The RS-virus can be dangerous for the youngest children and the oldest people, for it attacks the air passages in the lungs.

– Avoid meeting people who have a cold, keep children with runny noses at home and wash your hands often,says Daniel Gedeborg, specialist in pediatric medicine and head doctor at the children's clinic.

Clifford JohansenSkicka e-post
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