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Protests against conflicts in Iraq

Publicerad 29 oktober 2019
A remembrance ceremony and protest in solidarity with the Iraqi people on 12th October.
A remembrance ceremony and protest in solidarity with the Iraqi people on 12th October.Foto: Martin Söderberg

There have been protests on Lilla Torg against conflicts in Iraq.



On Saturday 12th October there was a remembrance ceremony and protests to show solidarity with the people of Iraq. The remembrance ceremony was for victims in conflicts with Iraq.

– We support the young people who took to the streets in Iraq and demanded their rights. They want clean water, health care and schools, but the government only answered with weapons. More than 6,000 were injured, more than 100 were killed, and there are more than 600 in Iraqi prisons. Those of us who are here are their voice, said Ahmad Al Maliki, one of the speakers.

Martin SöderbergSkicka e-post
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