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Pride's premiere celebrated by a thousand

For the first time in Lund's diocese, the Swedish Church organised a Pride Walk in Hässleholm. The city streets were filled with people who wanted to take part in the celebration - which gathered nearly a thousand people.
Hässleholm • Publicerad 10 juni 2019
The Pride Walk became a big procession and took over the streets of Hässleholm.
The Pride Walk became a big procession and took over the streets of Hässleholm.Foto: Mikael Persson

Rainbow colours were waved for the first time in Hässleholm on Saturday.

– I've been looking forward to this for a long time. When we started talking about this, we thought it would be a little walk, says Reverand Klas Sturesson from Hässleholm’s parish.

Klas Sturesson opened the Pride Walk together with trans-Priest Ann-Christine Ruuth.
Klas Sturesson opened the Pride Walk together with trans-Priest Ann-Christine Ruuth.Foto: Mikael Persson
The city streets were filled with people who wanted to take part in the celebration - which gathered nearly a thousand people.
The city streets were filled with people who wanted to take part in the celebration - which gathered nearly a thousand people.Foto: Mikael Persson

The walk became a procession, with almost a thousand people.

– This will be the beginning of a tradition. But in the long run, the goal is not to have to organise Pride. It goes without saying that you should be able to love the one you want, says Maria Helldén, Priest of the church.

At 1 pm the church bells started ringing and the Pride Walk began along the city streets. In Hembygdsparken there was music and dancing. Klas Sturesson explains that many businesses, political parties and associations have shown their support.

– We are very happy with the day. I want to thank both the congregation and everyone else who has been involved and helped, he says.

For the first time in Lund's diocese, the Swedish Church organised a Pride Walk in Hässleholm
For the first time in Lund's diocese, the Swedish Church organised a Pride Walk in HässleholmFoto: Mikael Persson

Nearly a thousand people gathered.
Nearly a thousand people gathered.Foto: Mikael Persson

Trans-Priest Ann-Christine Ruuth.
Trans-Priest Ann-Christine Ruuth.Foto: Mikael Persson
The pride flag waved to the sound of the church bells when the Pride Walk began.
The pride flag waved to the sound of the church bells when the Pride Walk began.Foto: Mikael Persson
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