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New teacher training with job and pay

A new form of teacher training is to start this autumn at Kristianstad university. Studies will be combined with a paid job.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 23 januari 2019
Högskolan Kristianstad.
Högskolan Kristianstad.Foto: Collage Kristianstadsbladet

Eleven municipalities are co-operating with Kristianstad university in their new programme for teacher training class 4-6. The municipalities think this is a good way to recruit new teachers. This type of training is carried out in USA and in Dalarna.

– The course in Dalarna has many applicants, says Henrik Svensson, responsible for teacher training at Kristianstad university.


The training gives a qualification to teach Swedish, English, maths, biology, physics, chemistry and technology.

75 per cent of the time is for studies, and 50 per cent for a job three days a week in a school. They get paid at least 18 000 crowns a month. Kristianstad university can offer eight places.

The university will give more information in February. Application for the course must be submitted between 15th March and 15th April.

Karolina AlfredssonSkicka e-post
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