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Nejat has given a temporary residence permit

Negatllah ”Nejat” Haymakh has just collected his Swedish identitycard. He has been given a temporary residence permit.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 1 november 2019
Negatllah ”Nejat” Haymakh.
Negatllah ”Nejat” Haymakh.Foto: Victor Lindstammer

He is in his second year at Söderport upper secondary school. He work very hard to do well in his studies,

Kb Mosaik wrote about Nejat in the summer.


– When I came to Sweden I couldn´t write at all, now I can only write in Swedish, he says.

Foto: Victor Lindstammer

His dream is to start a business that can help poor people and people who are unemployed.

Nejat is in his second year of the commercial programme.

– I must have a permanent job six months after leaving school, otherwise I will be deported.

– I'm happy. But we´re still putting up a fight, and we'll keep on doing that, says Nejat.


Inga-Lill BengtssonSkicka e-post
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