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Näsby's coach quits

After 0-23 (!) and only six men on the field, Näsby IF's match against Janstorp was stopped. There was still 10 minutes left. Coach Sejdi Bajrami quit the next day. It was time for a new match this weekend, against Lunnarp at home in Grönevi. Näsby lost by 1-8.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 19 augusti 2019 • Uppdaterad 21 augusti 2019
Urim Ahmeti, on the right, is one of the new coaches who had taken over after Sejdi Bajrami in Näsby IF.
Urim Ahmeti, on the right, is one of the new coaches who had taken over after Sejdi Bajrami in Näsby IF.Foto: Tommy Svensson

Näsby was missing several players during the match against Lunnarp too.

– It's difficult right now. It's not so much fun playing when so many of our key players are missing, says, Urim Ahmeti.


Ahmeti and Fiskin Zeka have taken over as coaches.

”I don’t think it’s taken seriously enough. There’s too little interest. I think it should be more serious if you’re playing in division 4”, says Bajrami.
”I don’t think it’s taken seriously enough. There’s too little interest. I think it should be more serious if you’re playing in division 4”, says Bajrami.

– I don’t think it’s taken seriously enough. There’s too little interest. I think it should be more serious if you’re playing in division 4, says Bajrami to Kristianstadsbladet.

– I left my vacation to attend the training sessions. Then three to four players turned up. I understand that people work, are injured or have vacations, but I would have liked more respect from the club, says Bajrami.

Now the new coaches will try to get the team in order.

– Me and Fisnik will make the best of this and try to keep Näsby in division 4. This week we’ll get back some of the important players that have been on holiday. Then things will look a lot brighter, says Urim Ahmeti.

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Per WiderbergSkicka e-post
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