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Lingenäs school opened - new bands are tied

The building machines stood still, the sun shone, and so did lots of excited children – a great day for everyone at Lingenäs school. Four schools have become one.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 30 augusti 2019
New bands are tied by four pupils and Anders Månsson, municipal head of education.
New bands are tied by four pupils and Anders Månsson, municipal head of education.Foto: Tommy Svensson

Daniel Tejera (L) is chairman of the children's and education committee. He said:

– This is the biggest school ever built in the history of our municipality. It's built to stand for 100 years.


In the space of three weeks, three new schools are being inaugurated in Kristianstad. The town is expanding, and the municipality now have more than 85,000 inhabitants. The school is the workplace for 1,000 people, both staff and pupils.

Foto: Tommy Svensson

Lingenäs school is really four schools in one – Gamlegård school, Näsby school, Fröknegård special school and the special unit at Ängs school.

Daniel Tejera (L) presented an apple tree of the appropriate sort, Discovery, to the two rectos Lena Holmer and Karitha Månsander.
Daniel Tejera (L) presented an apple tree of the appropriate sort, Discovery, to the two rectos Lena Holmer and Karitha Månsander.Foto: Tommy Svensson
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