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Increased security at HTS after bomb incident

Hässleholm • Publicerad 10 januari 2019
Hässleholms Tekniska Skola, HTS, has stepped up its security. More doors are kept locked now than previously.
Hässleholms Tekniska Skola, HTS, has stepped up its security. More doors are kept locked now than previously.Foto: Tommy Svensson

Hässleholms Tekniska Skola has increased security after the bombing in December. More doors are kept locked. Pupils must have a tag to get into the school.

One of the last school days in December was dramatic. Two bombs exploded in the basement on 20th December. The fire alarm went off, and the pupils had to leave the building. The explosions did not cause much damage.


A man in his 20's was arrested before Christmas on suspicion of having caused the explosions. He is not a pupil at the school.

The charge is endangering the public. The man denied endangering the public, but admits causing inflicting damage.

Inga-Lill BengtssonSkicka e-post
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