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Here young people learn how to handle conflicts

Being able to communicate and talk to others is important in order to get by in Swedish society. Not least to prevent conflicts.
The association Moria focuses on developing young peoples social capacity and being able to take the initiative. Parents also participate.
Broby • Publicerad 22 augusti 2019
16 year old Oula Zeeb is one of the participants. ”I come here because I want to do something and show that new arrivals like us can achieve a lot. Here I learn, among other things, how to start a project and how to take responsibility”, she says.Foto: Sofyan Aswad

Ten young people, boys and girls, arrive on time for the course at Kulturhuset (the Cultural Centre) in Broby. Today they are discussing how to become active in society, how to present their ideas and differences between how young people and parents view society. For example – how can parents tackle young people's choice of going their own way?

– In the municipality there are a number of refugees who have many problems, such as understanding and being able to participate in society. They need to learn how to communicate and how to become more active, says Fadi Diab, one of Moria's leaders.

The young people sit in groups and talk about different ideas and projects they could do. They're on the Peace building course which teaches them more about non-violent communication, conflict resolution and social initiatives.Foto: Sofyan Aswad
Mohamad Almahmoud, 15 years old, says: ”I want to develop my thoughts on rights and to show that young people can do something useful for society. We young people have our own thoughts and ideas that we want to talk to others about. We can help each other”, he says.Foto: Sofyan Aswad

On the courses, young people learn how to manage conflicts.

– And to prevent conflicts, how they can strive for fair and equal treatment, says Fadi Diab.

– It is very important to teach the young people to respect each other, to cooperate and to take the initiative. Also how to talk to adults and with those who come from different cultures. We help them to create a new identity without losing the old one, he continues.

The participants are divided into two groups, with 15 young people in each. Their parents also take part. They use their native language to talk about everything easier.

Fadi Diab is an Arabic teacher at schools in Östra Göinge. He has experience in social development courses from Syria. Now he has started similar courses in Sweden.Foto: Sofyan Aswad

16 year old Oula Zeeb is one of the participants.

– I come here because I want to do something and show that new arrivals like us can achieve a lot. Here I learn, among other things, how to start a project and how to take responsibility, she says.

Mohamad Almahmoud, 15 years old, says:

– I want to develop my thoughts on rights and to show that young people can do something useful for society. We young people have our own thoughts and ideas that we want to talk to others about. We can help each other, he says.

Ronza Shehabi is one of the leaders.

– We need to work with and teach people how to interact with people from different backgrounds. It's important for integration, she says.


Ronza Shehabi notes that women want to learn the language and show what they can do. She will teach a group of women computer skills and about the Swedish society.


The association Moria

Started in Syria with courses in social development for young people. Now some of the leaders are continuing with courses here in Sweden, with the support of Studieförbundet (the Adult Education Association) NBV. A course was held this summer in Östra Göinge. There will be more courses. The idea is to spread the courses to Kristianstad as well.

Fadi Diab is an Arabic teacher at schools in Östra Göinge. He has held social development courses in Syria where he worked with UNRWA

(United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees)

Ronza Shehabi is studying Sociology at Lund University.

Mohamad KaninaSkicka e-post
Inga-Lill BengtssonSkicka e-post
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