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The 2022 election - what you need to know

Who is allowed to vote? Why is it important to vote? Here you can learn how the Swedish voting system works and what kinds of election we have.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 6 juli 2022
Val till riksdag, region- och kommunfullmäktige äger rum söndag 11 september 2022.
Val till riksdag, region- och kommunfullmäktige äger rum söndag 11 september 2022.Foto: JESSICA GOW / TT

In the form of government, which is one of four constitutional laws, it states that all public power is based on freedom of thought and a general and equalitarian right to vote.

Constitutional law also states that government by the people is carried out by means of a representative form of government. This means that the people elect someone to represent them when important decisions are to be made, for example in parliament or in the local council.


Elections to parliament, the regional government and the local government will take place on Sunday 11th September 2022. In this election Sweden's parliament for the period 2022 - 2026 will be elected.

You can vote in advance from 24th August until election day 11thSeptember, anywhere in the country at a polling station chosen by the municipality.

Valdeltagandet i Kristianstad är lägst på Gamlegården med drygt 60 procent förra valet. Förtidsröstning i Biblioteket.
Valdeltagandet i Kristianstad är lägst på Gamlegården med drygt 60 procent förra valet. Förtidsröstning i Biblioteket.Foto: Tommy Svensson

How does a municipality work?

A municipality is responsible for important functions in the community. Some of the tasks are obligatory, others voluntary.

A municipality is run by politicians who are directly elected by voters. Alongside the political organisation there is an executive organisation of civil servants who see to it that the decisions are implemented.

Who has the right to vote?

To have the right to vote you must be 18 years old by election day 11th September at the latest. This applies to all the elections. There are also special regulations for elections to parliament and to the regional and municipal councils.

To vote in the parliamentary election you must be a Swedish subject and be, or have been, a permanent resident in Sweden.

Voting card

Everyone who is eligible to vote gets a voting card. You should have received your voting card sent to your permanent address by 24th August at the latest.


On the card you can see which elections you have the right to vote in and where you can vote.

I Sverige är vi förunnade att kunna rösta. I stora delar av världen så kan man inte rösta och makten går i arv eller så är det militären som tagit över makten.
I Sverige är vi förunnade att kunna rösta. I stora delar av världen så kan man inte rösta och makten går i arv eller så är det militären som tagit över makten.Foto: Johan Nilsson/TT

Early voting.

You can vote early, as from 24th August 2022. Each municipality decides for itself where early voting can take place.

What do I need to go and vote early?

Take along proof of your identity and your voting card. You can change your mind by voting at your polling station on election day 11th September.

The election affects both you and others. If we don't go and vote, we get decision-makers who do not represent us.

A lot of people think, 'My vote doesn't make much difference'. If everyone thought like that, there would be no democracy.

Why is it important to vote?

If a lot of us stay at home instead of going to vote we let others make decisions for us, with the risk that we end up with leaders who do not represent us at all. In Sweden we are lucky to be able to go and vote.

In many places around the world people do not have the right to vote, and power is inherited from father to son, or else the military take over. That is why it is so important to go and vote.

Förtidsröstningen öppnar den 24 augusti 2022. Det är varje kommun som bestämmer vilka lokaler som ska ha förtidsröstning.
Förtidsröstningen öppnar den 24 augusti 2022. Det är varje kommun som bestämmer vilka lokaler som ska ha förtidsröstning.Foto: PETTER ARVIDSON

What important functions does the municipal council have?

The municipal council makes decisions concerning the budget, taxes and other important financial questions, such as:

Large-scale investments

Local and general planning

Organisation of committees and their area of operation

Election of members and substitutes to committees and advisory committees Election of auditors

Motions (proposals from a politician or a political group) and suggestions from the public

What four important functions has parliament?

Makes laws

Makes decisions on the state budget


Controls the government

Works on questions concerning EU

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