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Teacher stabbed at NTI high school on "Efterlyst"

Thanks to the efforts of the teacher, Christian Van Gil, during the knife attack at NTI high school, all the students who were at the school at the time are alive. He has been nominated for the Civil Courage Prize for his efforts.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 4 april 2022
Christian Van Gils. lärare på NTI i Krd nominerad till Civilkuragepriset.
Christian Van Gils. lärare på NTI i Krd nominerad till Civilkuragepriset.Foto: Efterlyst

The Civil Courage Prize honours the individual and includes a monetary award of 100,000 crowns; it is awarded by the Swedish television programme, Efterlyst (Wanted), in collaboration with Stiftelsen tryggare Sverige (Safer Sweden Foundation).

When he entered the classroom, the student approached him and in an instant stabbed Christian Van Gil in the thigh. When he tried to stop the student, he was stabbed in the arm. The student turned to the class and headed for a classmate, who he also stabbed. The students started running out of the classroom, but because the door to the room was an escape door, it could not be locked.

Eleven vände sig mot klassen och tog sikte på en klasskamrat som han också högg.
Eleven vände sig mot klassen och tog sikte på en klasskamrat som han också högg.Foto: Lasse Ottosson
Läraren och eleven fick åka till sjukhuset.
Läraren och eleven fick åka till sjukhuset.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

– When everyone was out, I barricaded the door so he was unable to come out, says the teacher on "Efterlyst", which broadcasts on Viaplay and TV3.

Thanks to the barricade, the perpetrator was locked in the room and was unable to come out; he was stuck there until the police were able to arrest him a few minutes later.

The teacher and the student were taken to hospital. Christian van Gils was able to return to work the same day, but the student was seriously injured and remained in hospital.

Stefan OlofsonSkicka e-post
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