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Second mural completed – ”Space farming”

On Saturday Kristianstad's second mural was inaugurated. During the week the artist, Kim Demåne, has spent about 70 hours spraying paint on the house wall in Västra Vallgatan.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 24 maj 2021 • Uppdaterad 25 maj 2021
Kim Demåne has lived with the picture ”Rymdbruk” (Space farming), for ten years. It is the development of a drawing he made then. In the picture there are a number of brains which look as if they are directing the robots.
Kim Demåne has lived with the picture ”Rymdbruk” (Space farming), for ten years. It is the development of a drawing he made then. In the picture there are a number of brains which look as if they are directing the robots.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

A stream of interested passers-by has walked past and perhaps exchanged a few words with the artist. On Saturday everything was ready for the inauguration.

The mural is called ”Space farming”. It is a picture Kim Demåne has lived with for ten years.


– It's based on a drawing I did in 2011. I had hopped around between jobs in New York, Amsterdam and Barcelona. To find myself it wasn't about where in the world I was, it was what I do, he says. He wanted to give up his permanent job and start free-lancing.

”This man, or robot, is working with some kind of futuristic farming”
Kim Demåne
”When I made the transition from liberating myself to choosing my own path I felt that my brain was under pressure all the time”, says Kim Demåne about the motif in his mural.
”When I made the transition from liberating myself to choosing my own path I felt that my brain was under pressure all the time”, says Kim Demåne about the motif in his mural.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

Här saknas innehåll

Kim Demåne has spent about 70 hours on the mural.
Kim Demåne has spent about 70 hours on the mural.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

– I decided to move back home to Ronneby and just go in for my art, and see where that takes me.

– When I made the transition from liberating myself to choosing my own path I felt that my brain was under pressure all the time, he says.

There's a lot going on in the mural.

– It's called ”Rymdbruk” (Space farming), because this man, or robot, is working with some kind of futuristic farming, says Kim Demåne.

Kim Demåne was thanked by the municipality and by Kristianstad City at the inauguration.
Kim Demåne was thanked by the municipality and by Kristianstad City at the inauguration.Foto: Lasse Ottosson
Marcus HaraldssonSkicka e-post
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