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Residents of Brobysjukhuset are tired of the filthiness - owner risks fine

The residents of Brobysjukhuset (former hospital) are tired of the filthiness and waste management that isn’t working. Now the owner risks a fine from the municipality. In addition: renting out apartments for permanent use goes against the Planning and Development Act. The owner only has a permit for temporary stay at Brobysjukhuset, for example, as a guest house or hostel.
Broby • Publicerad 17 september 2020
Så här såg det ut vid Brobysjukhuset i början på september.
Så här såg det ut vid Brobysjukhuset i början på september.Foto: Privat

"This is Sweden, not Somalia or an Arab country!"

This is what it says in a complaint to the Environmental and Health Protection unit in Östra Göinge. There are some residents at Brobysjukhuset who are critical of the lack of waste management.


The complaint was filed mid-July. The complaint addresses the dirty and filthy conditions in the laundry room. There are pictures of rubbish on the stairwells, sofas and mattresses outside and bin bags thrown on the canopy.

The Health and Safety inspector has visited Brobysjukhuset twice. The municipality and the owner have agreed on what measures need to be taken.

But it hasn’t gotten any better. The owner, Lillehem Teknik AB, has now received an injunction. Among other things, there is a risk that rats will be drawn there.

The municipality has warned that if the owner does not address the issues then a fine will be imposed. The owner must also contact Ögrab, a waste management company, to get advice on how the rubbish should be handled and follow the rules.

The owner must take measures before September 17th.

The area is classified as unsanitary conditions. But according to Sven Olvegård, from Lillhem Teknik, it’s because of those who live there.

Så här såg det ut den 11 september.
Så här såg det ut den 11 september.Foto: Inga-Lill Bengtsson

He thinks it’s difficult to do something about it when they don’t want to do the right thing themselves.

- The person who filed the complaint is one of the individuals who litters himself, says Sven Olvegård.

He says he has solved the problem –the lease for the tenant in question has been terminated.

Are there bins for all the rubbish?


– I will contact Ögrab, says Olvegård.

The owner, Lillehem Teknik AB, also risks a fine for violating the Planning and Development Act.

Four years ago, the municipality gave the owner permission for temporary stay at Brobysjukhuset, for example, as a guest house or hostel.

But those who live at Brobysjukhuset have leases that run until further notice.

The municipality cannot withdraw the permit for temporary stay, but can request rectification and impose a fine if it isn’t complied with.

The owner has until September 25th to respond to the municipality.

Marie-Louise LindellSkicka e-post
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