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Off to a good start at Mölleskolan with ice-cream all round

There's something really special about the first day at school. Everyone in the preschool class got a cuddly toy, and all the pupils in the school were delighted when they heard the ice-cream-van's familiar jingle in the playground.
Sibbhult • Publicerad 20 augusti 2021
Fun when school started again . Pupils at Mölleskolan got ice-cream and a new recteo, Christel Andersson.
Fun when school started again . Pupils at Mölleskolan got ice-cream and a new recteo, Christel Andersson.Foto: Mikael Persson

The children who came to Mölleskolan on the first day of the new term went home with lots of fine, happy memories of the day.

School started early, at eight o'clock in the morning, when all the pupils gathered outside in the playground. The new rector and the rest of the staff presented themselves.

”I have wide experience, including from schools with a non-Swedish language background”
Christel Andersson, new rector

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Pupils in class six were given a few words of wisdom on their way – now they are the oldest pupils in the school. Children in the preschool class each got a little surprise - a cuddly toy.

– A teddy for hugs or consolation. It always feels a bit insecure when you come to something new, said rector Christel Andersson, who is also new to the school.

Rector Christel Andersson is new at the school.
Rector Christel Andersson is new at the school.Foto: Mikael Persson

She read in Kristianstadsbladet that the municipality is concentrating specially on education.

– To make it more meaningful and attractive. It sounded like a good municipality to work in, said Christel Andersson.

– I have wide experience, including from schools with a non-Swedish language background, and I felt I had something to offer. So I chose Sibbhult.

Marie-Louise LindellSkicka e-post
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