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Näsby: Great willingness to get vaccinated among 65+

Getting the elderly vaccinated is a problem in multicultural areas. But not in Kristianstad. “Näsby is at the top when it comes to the rollout of vaccinations in a multicultural area. It is also very high nationally”, says Operations Manager Linda Björklund about Näsby Health centre.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 12 maj 2021
Louise Palmqvist and Emma Nilsson prepare ahead of vaccinations.
Louise Palmqvist and Emma Nilsson prepare ahead of vaccinations.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

In the big cities, there have been problems in socio-economically weak areas, where more foreign-born people live; they have lower incomes and a lower level of education. In those areas, the number of people who have been vaccinated has been much lower. Vaccine Coordinator Per Hagstam says that there are areas in Skåne where only 40 per cent of everyone who is 65+ have been vaccinated.

But in Kristianstad it’s looking good. At Näsby Health centre in Gamlegården, which is one of the city's two vulnerable areas, 83 per cent of everyone who is 65+ registered at the health centre have been vaccinated, reported first by Radio P1 Morgon.

In order to receive equal care, patients must be treated differently. This is something that Linda Björklund is convinced of. She is the Operations Manager at Näsby Health centre.
In order to receive equal care, patients must be treated differently. This is something that Linda Björklund is convinced of. She is the Operations Manager at Näsby Health centre.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

– Näsby is at the top when it comes to vaccination rollout in a multicultural area. It is also very high nationally, says Linda Björklund, Operations Manager.

She thinks the reason is that they have been working on a long-term approach for a while. The employees are happy and the patients feel safe. Trust is a key word.

– There’s a lot of talk about equality in healthcare. But to achieve equal care, we think you need to do things very differently, says Linda Björklund.

Among other things, they send out information in several different languages.

Här saknas innehåll

Näsby Health centre uses different types of vaccines.
Näsby Health centre uses different types of vaccines.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

At Östermalm Health centre, they have also achieved the goal of vaccinating over 80 per cent of 65+ registered there.

– Refugees are often much more grateful to be vaccinated than Swedish-born, says Marie Jönsson, Operations Manager.

Kristianstadsbladet has been in contact with Vilan Health centre, near Charlottesborg, the city's other vulnerable area. But they did not have time to respond on Tuesday afternoon.


National vaccine target

80 per cent of all people who are 65+ must be vaccinated with a first dose by16th May. In Region Skåne, the goal was already met by the end of April. On Tuesday 11th May, about 85 per cent of all people aged 65+ had their first vaccination dose in Skåne.

Source: Per Hagstam, Vaccine Coordinator Region Skåne

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