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Moira Uggla: ”It is catastrophic to have to flee head over heels from everything that is familiar”

Cold, dark December. How nice to be able to sit indoors where it is warm, relax, have something tasty to eat, make yourself a cup of coffee, read, listen to music, talk to friends. But in another part of Europe, not so very far from here, the scene is completely different.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 12 december 2022
Detta är en personligt skriven text i Mosaik Kristianstadsbladet. Åsikter som uttrycks är skribentens egna.
Moira Uggla, volontär f d språklärare mm, från Skotland
Moira Uggla, volontär f d språklärare mm, från SkotlandFoto: Peter Åklundh

We haven't experienced it, just seen it on TV and read about it in the papers, but we are nonetheless horrified at what we see.

Bombed-out houses, broken glass everywhere, no electricity, no water, people searching for relatives, rockets whistling past overhead, scared cats, stray dogs trying to find their masters, long trails of people trying to escape the devastation, trailing along, carrying all their possessions... The list is long.

”It is catastrophic to have to flee head over heels from everything that is familiar”
Moira Uggla

Many of the people who were lucky or who had enough resources have been able to get away to more secure places. Quite a lot of them have ended up in Sweden. They are living here in material safety, relatively speaking, but it is challenging for them emotionally.

Some have divided feelings - perhaps they ought to be fighting in their own country, but because of circumstances they are stuck in Sweden.

Others have been in Sweden for some time, but long to go back to their homes and the families they left behind. It is catastrophic to have to flee head over heels from everything that is familiar.

So what can we do, we who are living here in safety without having to worry too much about what is going to happen tomorrow?.

There are a number of organisations which offer material help - housing, clothing, food et cetera. But there is another aspect to the help that may be required, and that is in the personal sphere.

These people, who have experienced so many frightening things so recently, need to be able to talk about what they have been through, to tell someone who can listen without interrupting or offering 'good' advice. And the most important thing we can do is to listen.

Without interrupting,without trying to make light of what they are telling us. But the initiative must come from them - it's impossible to have a proper talk by order.

If you are willing to listen, there is someone who is willing to tell you. And in telling about their experiences, there may be the chance of recovery for them.
