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Mobile free zone in Tivolibadet: ”We want to create a feeling of safety”

Tivolibadet is screen free since the 1st of November. All to protect the visitors integrity – but also because of security.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 26 november 2021
”Only positive”, thinks Safi Naesae with family about the new safety rule.
”Only positive”, thinks Safi Naesae with family about the new safety rule.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

If you intend to visit Tivolibadet you have to leave your phone in your pocket and the computer in your bag.

– We want the feeling of safety among our visitors. Here, people move around in swimwear, says Åsa Jansson, bath attendant at Tivolibadet.

”We hope that this also can lead to more choosing to swim with their children”
Åsa Jansson, bath attendant at Tivolibadet
If you intend to visit Tivolibadet you have to leave your phone in your pocket and the computer in your bag.
If you intend to visit Tivolibadet you have to leave your phone in your pocket and the computer in your bag.Foto: Lasse Ottosson
Åsa Jansson, bath attendant at Tivolibadet.
Åsa Jansson, bath attendant at Tivolibadet.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

– The rule is not just for the visitors integrity, but also important for security. If you have your children swimming in the pool, it can be dangerous if you are looking at your phone instead of the children.

– We hope that this also can lead to more choosing to swim with their children.

”I think it is good, because then you can keep track of your own children but also other visitors, if something should happen”
Safi Naesae. visitor

Safi Naesae visits Tivolibadet often with his family. He is surprised that not more baths are screen free.

— It’s only positive. I think many pick up their phones out of pure instinct.

— I think it is good, because then you can keep track of your own children but also other visitors, if something should happen, says Safi Naesae.

Ebbe Gertten
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