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Inga-Lill Bengtsson: Inga-Lill Bengtsson: ”It's all right to hug again, isn't it?”

I got a hug today. It warmed my heart. ”It's all right to hug again, isn't it?” we said, without even asking one another about vaccination. I take it for granted that my friends have been vaccinated.
Inga-Lill BengtssonSkicka e-post
Kristianstad • Publicerad 10 oktober 2021 • Uppdaterad 11 oktober 2021
Inga-Lill Bengtsson
Detta är en personligt skriven text i Mosaik Kristianstadsbladet. Åsikter som uttrycks är skribentens egna.
Inga-Lill Bengtsson, redaktör Kb Mosaik.
Inga-Lill Bengtsson, redaktör Kb Mosaik.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

Not quite sure how we should greet one another now. I don't shake hands as often any more, the pandemic is still with us. A ”hello” is usually enough when we meet. Just to meet, both at work and in our daily lives, is really great.

”She asks cautiously if she can have a newspaper”
Inga-Lill Bengtsson

A woman with a walker goes back and forward outside the office. I open the door. She asks cautiously if she can have a newspaper. ”It's very good”, she says. A minute later a woman comes in with her son. She wants to talk about how expensive it has become to shop in certain stores. With four children it can be difficult to get her economy to go round, and she wonders if we can write about that.

A lot of new colleagues: Norra Skåne and Kristianstadsbladet, with Kb Mosaik, are to have the same editorial staff.
A lot of new colleagues: Norra Skåne and Kristianstadsbladet, with Kb Mosaik, are to have the same editorial staff.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

That was the first time we met, but she knew who we are and what we do.

Both meetings were heart-warming. Thanks for the idea, thanks for your trust. And thanks for being able, at long last, to see one another and welcome visitors. These have been strange times.

”The pair want to give young people the courage to dare to speak about their feelings”
Inga-Lill Bengtsson

I'm proud of my colleague Sofyan Aswad's article on hiphopstar Henok Achido and Tim Omorogieva from Youngstival. They are going to meet young people this autumn. I've spoken earlier to Tim Omorogieva. He does a lot of work to support young people in different ways. That is heartwarming too.

The pair want to give young people the courage to dare to speak about their feelings, problems and demands. How they can meet the community in a constructive way. For a confused teenager trying to find his way, temptingly easy choices can seem simple at the time, but in the long run they can mean a lost future. Read more about Henok Achido and Tim Omorogieva on page 16.

Norra Skåne will be an edition of Kristianstadsbladet.
Norra Skåne will be an edition of Kristianstadsbladet.Foto: Simon Rehnström

The business climate in Östra Göinge has improved. Ammar Alsaleh has found a job through matching. Read more on pages 14-15.

Drop-in vaccination at Gamlegården has been a big success and Familjehuset has opened, for lots of new meetings. Read more on pages 18-19.

”They are doing a great job sorting thousands of toys”
Inga-Lill Bengtsson

Kb Mosaik has met Rami Iskif and Saffana Krayem from Syria. They are doing a great job sorting thousands of toys in Stiftelsen Lekoseum's archives, an important part of Sweden's cultural history. It's fun to note that Rami Iskif lay in a pram from Brio himself when he was a baby. Read more on pages 6-8.

PS: Are you having problems with your tablet, are you curious about e-books, video chats or anything else that is digital? During Medborgarveckan (Citizens' week) 11th - 17th October the library in Kristianstad invites you to a workshop and lectures. And what's more – a digital learning centre – Digidel – will be inaugurated on 15th October. Worth a smiley.
