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Imam on Paludan's application: "It ruins everything we’re doing"

Far-right politician, Rasmus Paludan, has applied for a permit to burn the Quran in Kristianstad.
– It ruins everything we’re doing to better integration and communication between different sections of society, says Shaaban Abou Zur, Imam.
It is not clear yet whether Paludan will get a permit or not
Kristianstad • Publicerad 24 maj 2022
Shaaban Abou Zour, imam i Kristianstad.
Shaaban Abou Zour, imam i Kristianstad.

The Imam of the Islamic Association, Shaaban Abou Zur, expresses his deep sorrow regarding the request from the far-right politician, Rasmus Paludan, to burn the Quran in Näsby.

Paludan's request brings back memories of the anxiety and fear that society experienced a few weeks ago when he burned the Quran in several areas in Sweden.


– It ruins everything we’re doing to better integration and communication between different sections of society, says Shaaban Abou Zur.

– This act helps to spread hatred and incite violence in Näsby, especially since we’re talking about an area that was originally classified as a vulnerable area.

It is not clear yet whether Paludan will get a permit or not. The demonstration will take place outside the mosque in Näsby on Sunday.

In his application to the police, Rasmus Paludan states that he wants to demonstrate "against Islam in Sweden".

”Då kan vi bara be alla att lugna ner sig, inget mer. Samtidigt hoppas vi verkligen att det inte blir oroligheter i regionen och att ingen kommer till skada”
Shaaban Abou Zur, imam

– We hope that this far-right extremist does not get a permit. To avoid provoking the feelings of the inhabitants of this area and the general Muslim population in Sweden and around the world, says Shaaban Abou Zur.

But what if he receives a permit?

– Then we can only ask everyone to remain calm, nothing more. At the same time, we really hope that there will be no unrest in the region and that no one gets hurt, says Abou Zur.

We have freedom of expression in Sweden, what do you think about that?

– When he mocks and burns the Quran, which is something that is sacred for quite a large group of people living in society, he is the one who is abusing freedom of expression. Democracy is very important to us, but it is unacceptable to abuse it.

Sofyan AswadSkicka e-post
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