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Huge fire – several buildings completely destroyed

A residential house and two barns burned down on Sunday on a farm outside Kristianstad. The emergency services managed to save a fourth building.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 19 april 2021
Three buildings burned down. But no one lived in the residential house and there were no animals there.
Three buildings burned down. But no one lived in the residential house and there were no animals there.Foto: Mikael Persson

The alarm came in at 14.59 on Sunday. It was about a fire on a farm, south of Norra Strö (between Färlöv and Vinslöv).

The residential building, as well as a farm building and a barn with round bales, burned down. The emergency services managed to save a fourth building: a garage hut with a tractor in it.

”There are strong winds that can cause a fire to spread quickly””
Mattias Östling, Internal Officer at the emergency services in Kristianstad
Brand i öde ladugård och boningshus. Brogården, Norra Ströö.
Brand i öde ladugård och boningshus. Brogården, Norra Ströö.Foto: Mikael Persson

Här saknas innehåll

The emergency services managed to save a fourth building, a garage hut from burning.
The emergency services managed to save a fourth building, a garage hut from burning.Foto: Mikael Persson

– As far as I know, no one lives there. And there were no animals in the buildings, explained Jimmie Ask, Internal Officer, at 5 p.m.

The fire spread to the terrain, on the grass and trees nearby, for about 5,000 square metres.

The land and trees nearby were also on fire. "I want to remind people once again – the forests and land are dry," says Mattias Östling, Internal Officer at the emergency services in Kristianstad.
The land and trees nearby were also on fire. "I want to remind people once again – the forests and land are dry," says Mattias Östling, Internal Officer at the emergency services in Kristianstad.Foto: Mikael Persson

The emergency service had to stay at the scene for a few hours to make sure that the land would not catch fire again.

– I want to remind people once again – the forests and land are dry! We have lots of people calling. There are strong winds that can cause a fire to spread quickly, says Mattias Östling, Internal Officer at the emergency services in Kristianstad.

The cause of the fire at the farm is unclear.

A compost heap was on fire in Tivoli Park on Sunday. The fire was most likely deliberately set.
A compost heap was on fire in Tivoli Park on Sunday. The fire was most likely deliberately set.Foto: Mikael Persson

Fire 2: A compost heap was on fire in Tivoli Park on Sunday. SOS received the alarm at 16.43. The emergency services quickly extinguished the fire. The fire was most likely deliberately set.

The emergency services broke the door open and put the fire out in the public toilet on Östra Boulevarden in Kristianstad.
The emergency services broke the door open and put the fire out in the public toilet on Östra Boulevarden in Kristianstad.Foto: Mikael Persson

Fire 3: A Lost and Found clothes container inside the public toilet in Kristianstad centre was on fire on Sunday. SOS received the alarm at 2 p.m. The emergency services broke the door open and put the fire out.

A Lost and Found clothes container inside the public toilet in Kristianstad centre was on fire on Sunday.
A Lost and Found clothes container inside the public toilet in Kristianstad centre was on fire on Sunday.Foto: Mikael Persson
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