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Hid Kalashnikov in the attic – gets three years in prison

A man aged 35 and another in his 40s have both been sentenced to prison for aggravated weapons offences. The police found the weapons, including a Kalashnikov, during a raid on an apartment in a small town outside Kristianstad.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 11 maj 2021
Several weapons were found in a man’s apartment outside Kristianstad. Now he and another man have been convicted of aggravated weapons offences. Punishment: three years' imprisonment.
Several weapons were found in a man’s apartment outside Kristianstad. Now he and another man have been convicted of aggravated weapons offences. Punishment: three years' imprisonment.Foto: Ur polisens förundersökning

Undercover police officers suspected that drugs were being sold near the apartment. The police therefore carried out a house search. The police found both weapons and magazines. Two men, one aged 35, and one in his 40s, were in the apartment when police arrived.

”A life-threatening weapon that completely lacks legal use”
In the verdict

Här saknas innehåll

In the attic, police found a light machine gun, a so-called Kalashnikov, 60 sharp bullet cartridges, and two magazines that fit the machine gun. In the attic there was also a gun with magazines and sharp bullet cartridges.


The man in his 40s denies the crime. He said he didn’t know that he had to have a permit for the weapons. DNA from the 35-year-old man was found on one of the weapons, but he says he only stored the weapons.

Kristianstad District Court has sentenced both men to three years in prison for aggravated weapons offences. In the verdict, it says regarding the machine gun: "a life-threatening weapon that completely lacks legal use".

The 35-year-old does not have any priors.

Sigrid NurboSkicka e-post
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