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Harder measures against gang violence

Two young men with links to gang criminality were shot and killed in Kristianstad last year. Violence escalated in Hässleholm.
What can be done to put an end violence among young adults?
Harder measures or more severe punishment?
Kristianstad • Publicerad 6 februari 2023
Nicolas Lunabba på plats på Krinova för att prata om hur utsatta områden kan bli tryggare – hur våld och kriminalitet kan stoppas. Liv räddas.
Nicolas Lunabba på plats på Krinova för att prata om hur utsatta områden kan bli tryggare – hur våld och kriminalitet kan stoppas. Liv räddas.Foto: Mikael Persson

The number of fatal shootings has reached new heights and a spiral of revenge has been set in motion in several areas in Sweden. Two young men were shot and killed last year in Kristianstad - probably victims of gang warfare.

Are the young men and boys in and around these gang conflicts a lost generation?


On 18th January Nicolas Lunabba, a former basketball star who is now leader of an organisation called Helamalmö, gave an inspirational lecture at Krinova in Näsby.

It makes Nicolas sad to hear about the fatal shootings in Kristianstad.

Nicolas Lunabba har skrivit boken ”Blir du ledsen om jag dör?” – en självbiografisk berättelse om hur han låter en ”stökig” kille flyttar in hos honom och vad som händer då.
Nicolas Lunabba har skrivit boken ”Blir du ledsen om jag dör?” – en självbiografisk berättelse om hur han låter en ”stökig” kille flyttar in hos honom och vad som händer då.

– It's tragic. But it's hardly any surprise that things like that happen as long as we regard young people as we do today, if we don¨t get to grips with the fundamental problem.

The idea of a lost generation is something he is unwilling to accept-

– It's a useless way of thinking. If you're alive, then you¨re alive.

The Helamalmö organisation started in 2004, and has successfully worked to counteract criminality in exposed areas such as Nydala.The method they use includes motivating the residents themselves and 'repossessing¨ the aspects of welfare that have been centralised.

Gamlegården klassas  av polisen som ett utsatt område.
Gamlegården klassas av polisen som ett utsatt område.Foto: Mikael Persson

But Nicolas Lunabba is cautious of using the term 'exposed areas.'

– Exposed to what? You might say they are exposed to irresponsible politics, for example that the community does not take any responsibility for them.

The people who live there are exposed. The community must step in and rescue them.

Nicolas Lunabba blir ledsen då han får höra om skjutningarna i Kristianstad.
Nicolas Lunabba blir ledsen då han får höra om skjutningarna i Kristianstad.Foto: Mikael Persson

How can we do that?


– It is very complex, but if you look at what it's like in the so-called exposed areas you can see that the common factors are poverty, segregation and a lack of institutions that can provide backup when required.

In the areas where people feel secure it's the other way round. People who live there have easy access to the help they need.

– It's a populist proposal and doesn¨t work at all. It's about how we see people as well. It's inhuman. There is no short -term solution to the problem, but we need social solutions for social problems.

Charlottesborg är också klassat som ett utsatt område, enligt polisen.
Charlottesborg är också klassat som ett utsatt område, enligt polisen.Foto: Tommy Svensson
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