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Göingehem is demolishing in order to redevelop – first apartment building in Hanaskog demolished

On Monday 4th April, the excavator was put to use in the first apartment building, which is to be demolished in the Ringen block in Hanaskog.
"A milestone" said Magnus Nilsson (KD), Chairman of Göingehem. Apartment buildings are also being demolished in Broby.
Hanaskog/Broby • Publicerad 13 april 2022
Göingehem AB is demolishing apartment buildings in both Broby and Hanaskog. Some apartment buildings are being renovated. Göingehem will also build new housing.
Göingehem AB is demolishing apartment buildings in both Broby and Hanaskog. Some apartment buildings are being renovated. Göingehem will also build new housing.Foto: Mikael Persson

It was raining heavily. Nevertheless, there were happy faces when it was time to begin the large-scale demolition of the first apartment building, Åkesvägen 5, in Hanaskog.

The building was emptied in the autumn. The residents who used to live there have new apartments elsewhere.

"A milestone", says Magnus Nilsson (KD), Chairman of Göingehem, regarding the demolition in Hanaskog. Kenth Göstasson, Project Manager at Göingehem AB and Andreas Mineur Älmby, think it’s good that it's finally up and running.
"A milestone", says Magnus Nilsson (KD), Chairman of Göingehem, regarding the demolition in Hanaskog. Kenth Göstasson, Project Manager at Göingehem AB and Andreas Mineur Älmby, think it’s good that it's finally up and running.Foto: Simon Rehnström
Ringen i Hanaskog börjar rivas.
Ringen i Hanaskog börjar rivas.Foto: Simon Rehnström

A year ago, the residents were told that the entire block would be demolished. The shock has now subsided. Now people are mostly inquisitive about what's going to happen to the area.

– We are demolishing in order to redevelop in Hanaskog. The villagers can get involved and influence it, says Henrik Loveby, CEO of Göingehem AB.

Här saknas innehåll

The apartment buildings with 111 apartments in the Ringen block in Hanaskog are starting to be demolished.
The apartment buildings with 111 apartments in the Ringen block in Hanaskog are starting to be demolished.Foto: Mikael Persson
Göingehem is demolishing apartment buildings in Broby on Bödkaregatan. The house in the corner Tydingegatan-Västergatan (former Pizzeria) is next in line.
Göingehem is demolishing apartment buildings in Broby on Bödkaregatan. The house in the corner Tydingegatan-Västergatan (former Pizzeria) is next in line.

He says that the municipality will send an invitation to a meeting, a citizen dialogue, on 17th May in Hanaskog.

Then everyone who wants to, will be able to have their say.

The apartment buildings that remain in the Ringen block will be emptied. In 2022, Kviingevägen 27 is next in line. The tenants have been notified. They will be allocated new apartments by Göingehem.

One of the blocks of flats has been demolished on Bödkargatan in Broby.
One of the blocks of flats has been demolished on Bödkargatan in Broby.Foto: Mikael Persson
Göingehem is renovating apartments on Vegagatan, Broby.
Göingehem is renovating apartments on Vegagatan, Broby.Foto: Mikael Persson

A total of 111 apartments are to be demolished. Göingehem's plans are to build new apartments, but only half as many.

In Hanaskog, ten new tenant-owned apartments will be built in the Kannan block, among other things.

Göingehem is also demolishing apartment buildings in Broby. However, Göingehem is also renovating apartment buildings, including on Vegagatan in Broby.


Göingehem AB

Has a total of approximately 1,500 apartments (in six locations) in Östra Göinge municipality. It is a limited company, which is owned by Östra Göinge municipality. The company's task is to ensure that there is housing in the municipality.

Marie-Louise LindellSkicka e-post
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