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Fewer unemployed – but higher figures in Skåne

The unemployment rate was at 10.8 per cent in Skåne in February, slightly higher than the national average which was at 8.7 per cent. But there are plenty of jobs in certain professions such as healthcare and as mechanics.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 6 april 2021
Young people have the most difficulty in finding a job.
Young people have the most difficulty in finding a job.Foto: TT

According to the Job Centre (Arbetsförmedlingen), last week, the rate of unemployment hit the lowest in the country since June last year in Sweden. This meant that less than 450,000 were registered with the authority.

But there are more people unemployed in Skåne than in the rest of the country. It’s a result of many different factors, says Betina Johansson Mohager, Business Advisor at the Job Centre.

Easier to get a job in healthcare, such as assistant nurses and care assistants.
Easier to get a job in healthcare, such as assistant nurses and care assistants.Foto: Janerik Henriksson/TT

– In northeast Skåne, there is a lower level of education and people don’t want to move. Having a higher level of education makes it easier to get a job in general.

Who has the most difficulty in finding a job?

– Above all, young people between the age of18 and 24. The entry-level jobs are often in service, such as the hotel and tourism industry.

Här saknas innehåll

Which profession has the highest level of unemployment?

– In service and trade. But it's not just because of the pandemic. It’s also because we have changed our shopping habits. We could see that even before the crisis broke out.

It’s easy to find a job as a carpenter.
It’s easy to find a job as a carpenter.Foto: FREDRIK SANDBERG / TT

In which profession can you find a job?

– Use this time to study and improve yourself. It will always be useful. Vocational training also leads to work, for example, jobs in the service industry such as installation and maintenance. There is a shortage of mechanics, construction drivers, machine installers and carpenters.

– And of course professions in healthcare, such as assistant nurses and care assistants.

Emilia StålhammarSkicka e-post
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