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Despite signatures – no police station at Gamlegården, say police

1095 people signed the appeal by the Tillsammans för Kristianstad group for a police substation at Näsby. But the police believe that nothing will come of it in the near future, which led to a discussion, at times heated, when the list of signatures was handed over.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 11 november 2021 • Uppdaterad 12 november 2021
”We want the police to help to create security for people living here by having a police substation in the middle of Gamlegård centre”, says Ulf Johansson, from the 'Tillsammans' group.
”We want the police to help to create security for people living here by having a police substation in the middle of Gamlegård centre”, says Ulf Johansson, from the 'Tillsammans' group.Foto: Mikael Persson

– Nursery school teachers, librarians, restaurant owners and shopkeepers are among the people who have signed the list. We want the police to help to create security for people living here by having a police substation in the middle of Gamlegård centre, says Ulf Johansson, from the 'Tillsammans' group, speaking inside the police headquarters.

Anders Olofsson, internal duty officer, does not think the police will transfer part of their work to Näsby. But he emphasises the importance of the presence of the police and other authorities in vulnerable areas like Gamlegården.

– There will be more local police officers working with crime prevention and other preventive measures. But at present I can't see a substation being established at Gamlegården, says Anders Olofsson.

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