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Demolishing 111 apartments – will build tenant owned apartments

The apartment complex 29 which has 111 apartments is going to be demolished. The 250 people who live there have to move. The municipality is going to build ground apartments and tenant owned apartments there.
– Now we’re investing in Hanaskog, says Municipal Councillor Patric Åberg (M).
Hanaskog • Publicerad 7 maj 2021 • Uppdaterad 21 maj 2021
All six apartment buildings in the Ringen block at Kviingevägen 29 will be demolished. The apartment buildings are in very bad condition. They were built in 1961 during the Million Programme in Sweden.
All six apartment buildings in the Ringen block at Kviingevägen 29 will be demolished. The apartment buildings are in very bad condition. They were built in 1961 during the Million Programme in Sweden.Foto: Tommy Svensson

The old 29, also called the “Ringen”, consists of six apartment buildings with 111 apartments. About 250 people live there.

”The apartment buildings are in very poor condition”
Magnus Nilsson (KD), Chairman of Göingehem AB

The apartment buildings will start to be demolished as early as autumn.


– The apartment buildings are in very poor condition, says Magnus Nilsson (KD), Chairman of Göingehem AB, who is also a member of the three-party coalition (Treklövern) which runs Östra Göinge.

Här saknas innehåll

Göingehem will demolish the Ringen block in Hanaskog and rebuild. Magnus Nilsson (KD), Patric Åberg (M) and Esbjörn Svensson (C) want to make Hanaskog more attractive.
Göingehem will demolish the Ringen block in Hanaskog and rebuild. Magnus Nilsson (KD), Patric Åberg (M) and Esbjörn Svensson (C) want to make Hanaskog more attractive.Foto: Tommy Svensson

Här saknas innehåll

It would be too expensive to renovate the apartments.

– We have invested in a new preschool, expansion of the school, new library, renewing the town centre, bus lanes and a new playground. Soon we will have route 19. Now we want to move forward, says Patric Åberg.

Mikael Torberntsson, Head of Community Development in Östra Göinge municipality, and Henrik Loveby, CEO of Göinghem. They believe that new homes could be a boost for the town centre in Hanaskog.
Mikael Torberntsson, Head of Community Development in Östra Göinge municipality, and Henrik Loveby, CEO of Göinghem. They believe that new homes could be a boost for the town centre in Hanaskog.Foto: Tommy Svensson
”We’re not putting any of the tenants out on the street”
Henrik Loveby, CEO of Göingehem

After demolishing 29, the municipality wants Göingehem to invest in new attractive housing, such as terraced houses.

Where will those who live in 29 go?

– This will take five to six years. There are quite a few people who move in and out of 29. But we’re not putting any of the tenants out on the street. They will be offered alternative accommodation with us, says Henrik Loveby, CEO of Göingehem.

Patric Åberg (M), Esbjörn Svensson (C) and Magnus Nilsson (KD) invite everyone who lives in Hanaskog for a dialogue on 17th May.
Patric Åberg (M), Esbjörn Svensson (C) and Magnus Nilsson (KD) invite everyone who lives in Hanaskog for a dialogue on 17th May.Foto: Tommy Svensson

The Million Programme

The Million Programme was a programme for building homes in Sweden in 1965–1975. It was adopted by the Social Democrats' party congress in 1964.

Every year from 1965–1974, the Riksdag (Swedish parliament) decided to grant loans for approximately 100,000 homes.

Marie-Louise LindellSkicka e-post
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