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Culture Night calmer than a regular weekend

Culture night (Kulturnatt) was held on Friday and Saturday in central Kristianstad and according to the Project Manager, the police thought it was calmer than a regular weekend in terms people being drunk and disorderly.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 23 maj 2022
Smens Baglomma gjorde som de brukar – fick igång publiken rejält.
Smens Baglomma gjorde som de brukar – fick igång publiken rejält.Foto: Mikael Persson

Mikael Persson, the police's Internal Officer in Kristianstad who was on duty on Sunday afternoon, expressed himself slightly more cautiously saying that it has been like a normal weekend for them.

According to the Project Manager for Culture Night, David R Andersson, there have been no incidents at all for the organisers themselves. On Sunday, he said that those who have worked with the event are exhausted, but happy.

Det verkade som att alla skulle se Linda Pira på Kulturkvarterets scen på lördagen klockan 23.
Det verkade som att alla skulle se Linda Pira på Kulturkvarterets scen på lördagen klockan 23.Foto: Stefan Sandström

– Happy to be able to do things again and that people get to experience things together again.

As a Project Manager, David R Andersson, says that he rarely has time himself to visit the various activities taking place on Culture Night.

– Everyone I have spoken to is super happy. There have been lots of people, popular activities, a nice atmosphere and a lot of enthusiasm.

David R Andersson describes it as though "culture emerges and comes to life".

– I feel that people have found their way back and that there is a feeling of relief in them to be able to meet again.

Åsa BorglinSkicka e-post
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