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Are you going to vote in the election?

It isn't long now until election day. 7.5 million Swedes are entitled to vote in the election on 11th September, the second Sunday in the month. On election day votes will be cast for seats in parliament, in the region and in the municipality.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 6 september 2022
Kb Mosaik frågade ett antal personer om de skulle rösta i valet och varför.
Kb Mosaik frågade ett antal personer om de skulle rösta i valet och varför.Foto: Sofyan Aswad

To be entitled to vote you must be 18 by election day at the latest. This applies to all the elections. You should have received your poll card, where it tells you which elections you have the right to vote in, by post by 24th August at the latest. It also tells you where you can vote, and when your polling station is open.

Polling stations are open between 8 am and 8 pm on election day, Sunday, 11th September. Voting stops at 8 pm, when counting begins.


Kb Mosaik asked a number of people if they intended to vote in the election, and why.

Ibrahem Almasri.
Ibrahem Almasri.Foto: Sofyan Aswad

– I'm going to vote. It's good to take part and have some influence. It's the first time that I'll be voting, I wasn't entitled to vote last time. Now I'm going to vote in advance, says Ibrahem Almasri.

Ismail Zrain.
Ismail Zrain.Foto: Sofyan Aswad

– I'm going to vote. It's important to make your voice heard when you get the opportunity. A lot of countries don't have the chance that we have here in Sweden.It's a duty you have as a Swedish subject, says Ismail Zrain.

Mohammed Al Ashram.
Mohammed Al Ashram.Foto: Sofyan Aswad

– Yes, I'm going to vote. It's my first time, and I'm so happy about that. For the first time I 'll vote knowing that my vote is valuable and can make a difference. I think everyone ought to, we're talking about our future, says Mohammed Al Ashram.

Sidra Namoura.
Sidra Namoura.Foto: Sofyan Aswad

– Yes, I'm going to vote. It's very important to take part in the democratic process. In Sweden there is a high degree of transparency and freedom of thought,so I don't want to miss the chance to take part.It's a question of our common future, says Sidra Namoura.

Rahma Mohamed.
Rahma Mohamed.Foto: Sofyan Aswad

– Yes, I'm going to vote. It's important.Voting is a way of influencing and making your voice heard. And now I know which party I'm going to vote for, says Rahma Mohamed.

Diana Namoura.
Diana Namoura.Foto: Sofyan Aswad

– Now I'm reading all the parties' election programmes, whenI find the right one I'll go and vote. Taking part in the election isn't just a right, it's a duty. If you don't use your vote in the election it means that you don't care about the future of the country, says Diana Namoura.

Younis Amer.
Younis Amer.Foto: Sofyan Aswad

– Yes, it's a good thing to be part of the decision-making. I've voted once before. Now I'm going to vote in advance. I know who I'm going to vote for.When I vote I can have an effect on what happens in the community and in the whole country, says Younis Amer.

Lillebror Svensson
Lillebror SvenssonFoto: Sofyan Aswad

– Of courseI'm going to vote, to have an influence. And I say to everyone they should take part. It's a democratic right. If we don't vote, we let people who don't represent us reach positions of power. Long live democracy, says Lillebror Svensson.

Hakam Alallaf.
Hakam Alallaf.Foto: Sofyan Aswad

– Yes, I'm going to vote. It's a right that is guaranteed in our constitutional law, and I want to exercise my right. We have a preconceived idea that elections in our home country are rigged, but in Sweden it's not like that. Here you can have an influence and take part in the election, which means that one way or another you are part of the decision-making, says Hakam Alallaf.

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