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A man with a loaded gun got off a bus in the town centre

With a gun that could have been ready to use within 18 seconds in his backpack the man took a bus in to the centre of Kristianstad. According to the prosecutor there was a risk that the weapon might be sold. But the police were on the track of the armed man.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 15 september 2021
Polisens bild på ett av mannens skjutvapen.
Polisens bild på ett av mannens skjutvapen.

It was on 8th August, not quite a week after the shooting incident at Gamlegården centre, that the 26-year-old man was caught in Kristianstad town centre. He had come three days earlier from Norway, and had two firearms in his possession.

In his backpack the 26-year-old had a gun which the police reckoned would have been ready to use within 18 seconds. In a search in a flat outside Kristianstad the police found another gun and ammunition which had a connection to the 26-year-old.

Detta är en av pistolerna som polisen hittade och som bedöms vara i brukbart skick. Ägaren åtalas för grovt vapenbrott. Bild från polisens förundersökning.
Detta är en av pistolerna som polisen hittade och som bedöms vara i brukbart skick. Ägaren åtalas för grovt vapenbrott. Bild från polisens förundersökning.

When the 26-year-old suspect was indicted the prosecutor claimed that there was a risk that the weapon be sold to someone else. In his mobile phone the man had a number of films showing dismantled pistols which the prosecutor believed to be 'sales videos'.

Now Kristianstad district court has passed its sentence. The 26-year-old has been given two years and nine months imprisonment for an aggravated case of carrying firearms, breaking the firearms laws and minor narcotics offences, since he had cannabis in his backpack as well as guns. But the district court says there is no evidence to show that the man had intended to sell the guns.

Sofyan AswadSkicka e-post
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