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They got married online

Abdirahman Ali and Yasmin Mohamud had made plans for their their wedding. But she is studying in London and he works in Broby. So now it all had to bedone online.
Broby • Publicerad 8 maj 2020 • Uppdaterad 20 maj 2020
Abdirahman Ali and Yasmin Mohamud got married online.
Abdirahman Ali and Yasmin Mohamud got married online.

Can you get married online? Yes, you can. That’s what Abdirahman Ali and Yasmin Mohamud have done. They made plans for a big wedding receptiion. But it had to take place on a smaller scale in two different countries.

The big reception for all their family and friends ,about 150 guests, was planned for after Ramadan. Now it has had to be postponed.


– We intended to get engaged and get married in March. Yasmin is studying nursing in London – her mother lives there, says Abdirahman Ali.

– I work in the home care sector in Broby. That’s where we will live. But she couldn’t come here – all air travel was cancelled because of corona.

Everything was planned for the Moslem wedding party. So they decided to go on with the wedding, although they could not hold each other’s hand during the ceremony.

– My family and I went to her father and her family in Katrineholm. There was an imam there too, so we got married, says Abdirahman Ali.

– It wasn’t quite what we had planned, but we got married in any case. Now I’m just waiting for her to come home again.

Fortunately the money he had paid for the reception was refunded. A new party is being planned for later in the summer.

– I really hope that it will work out better then.

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Åsa CarlssonSkicka e-post
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