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Skånetrafiken advises: Take a few days off work - there will be no trains.

Co-ordinate your holiday with when the trains will run. This advice comes from Trafikverket and Skånetrafiken, and is directed to the tens of thoursands of people who commute between Malmö and Lund.
Skåne • Publicerad 23 juli 2019
At the end of August 2020 all rail traffic between the towns will be shut down for a few days
At the end of August 2020 all rail traffic between the towns will be shut down for a few daysFoto: Hunge Heiko

At the end of August 2020 all rail traffic between the towns will be shut down for a few days when new tracks are to be laid.

To replace the rail traffic with buses is out of the question - at rush hour we would need 140 buses an hour. Sydsvesnkan reports.


– It would be a good thing if as many people as possible can work from home or take a few of their holiday days says Mats Olsson, traffic planner at Skånetrafiken, to the newspaper.

Thomas Hallgren, project leader at Trafikverket, gives the same message:

– If we say to commuters to take their car instead, the roads will be completely jammed.

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