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Roast lamb with mint sauce from Scotland

When I came to Sweden 55 years ago, there was one thing I really missed – roast lamb. In my native country, Scotland, lamb is popular. It is eaten all the year round, mostly as a roast or as chops.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 9 april 2020
Lam, tasty for Easter. Lamb has become much more popular. This is because  more and more immigrants who eat lamb have settled here.
Lam, tasty for Easter. Lamb has become much more popular. This is because more and more immigrants who eat lamb have settled here.Foto: Matthew Mead

When I came here you could get lamb for a few days around Easter. And then there was no more until next Easter. Lamb has become much more popular. This is because more and more immigrants who eat lamb have settled here. Now we can enjoy this delicacy all the year round.

There are plenty of delicious recipes with all sorts of herbs and spices. But in Britain lamb is mostly served very simply, oven-roasted with mint sauce, something that is completely unknown here. So why not celebrate Easter this year with a proper ”roast lamb with mint sauce”?

Här saknas innehåll


Roast lamb

4 portions


A joint of lamb, about 1 kg, boned


Salt, white pepper

Garlic, 1 large or 2 small cloves, roughly sliced

Roast lamb should be pink in the middle.
Roast lamb should be pink in the middle.Foto: Matthew Mead


1. Set the oven at 175’. Salt and pepper the meat.

2. Make deep cuts all over the meat and push in garlic pieces.


3. Brown the meat all round in butter/oil and place in an ovenproof dish, with more butter/oil if required.

4. Roast in the oven for about 30 minutes (pink in the middle) or longer if you prefer it roasted all through. Or use an oven thermometer – 60’ is pink in the middle.

5. When the meat is cooked, take it out of the oven and let it rest for a few minutes before slicing it.

Fresh mint.
Fresh mint.Foto: Janerik Henriksson/TT

Mint sauce:

1 tub fresh mint

1 tablespoon brown sugar

A little boiling water

Apple cider vinegar


1. Chop the mint leaves finely.


2. Melt the sugar in the hot water.

3. Add vinegar to taste – it should have a balanced sweet/sour taste.

4. Add the mint, stir well.

Serve the roast with roasted potato wedges or boiled new potatoes.

Glazed carrots (carrot slices or pieces, turned in melted butter and cooked gently in a little water with salt and a sugar cube), broccoli, peas, French beans, asparagus, sweet corn – all vegetables go well with roast lamb.

And another thing that is important – lamb should always be served on heated plates.

Roast lamb should be pink in the middle.
Roast lamb should be pink in the middle.
Moira Uggla
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