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Municipality may buy part of Galleria – to use as a school

Kristianstad municipality is considering turning part of Galleria Boulevard into an upper high school. Discussions are in progress with owners Steen & Ström.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 25 maj 2020 • Uppdaterad 3 juni 2020
Galleria Boulevard, Block C.
Galleria Boulevard, Block C.Foto: Mikael Persson

– It would be positive if we can drive this through and make it economically viable. That would liven the Galleria up, says Fredrik Ek, responsible for land development in the municipality.

The Galleria has not turned out to be the boost for the town centre that politicians were hoping for. Many shops are unoccupied, and all of Galleria’s Block C, with 6,700 square metres of shop space, has stood empty since its completion in the summer of 2015.

”I have suggested that we should make Steen & Ström an offer to buy all of Galleria Boulevard for one crown”
Anbers Tell (S), opposition leader

A lot of people are of the opinion that Galleria Boulevard is falling into decay.

– We’re deeply disappointed that things have come to a standstill, says municipal commissioner Peter Johansson (M).

Steen & Ström owns Galleria Boulevard.
Steen & Ström owns Galleria Boulevard.Foto: Tommy Svensson

Opposition leader Anders Tell (S) says there is a growing sense of frustration.

– I have suggested that we should make Steen & Ström an offer to buy all of Galleria Boulevard for one crown. It isn’t a serious offer, of course, but the owners don’t appear to have any ambitions for the building.

Steen & Ström refuse to speak to Kristianstadsbladet. Fredrik Ek says that Steen & Ström have turned to the municipality to find out if there is any interest from them to use Block C for some kind of municipal activity.

Kristianstad municipality can consider using the premises as an upper high school.

But Peter Johansson says :

– It must not cost more than it would to build from scatch?

Matti StenrosenSkicka e-post
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