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More old people than young have died of covid-19

Of the 169 people in Skåne who have died of covid-19, 116 are over 80. Only one person under 40 has died.
Skåne • Publicerad 29 maj 2020
Covid-19 affects the elderly more severely.
Covid-19 affects the elderly more severely.Foto: Mark Hanlon

On 27th May Region Skåne made public statistics on the age of people who have died of covid-19. 86 died in hospital and 83 elsewhere.

Covid-19 affects the elderly more severely. The biggest group affected are the over-eighties.


Men aged between 80 and 89 constitute 23 per cent of the deaths. Women the same age-group make up 20 per cent.

For people over 70 there is a noticeable rise in the number of deaths.

According to Folkhälsomyndigheten (the Public Health authorities) people over 70 run the biggest risk of becoming seriously ill, particularly if they suffer from one or more other illnesses such as high blood pressure, diseases of the heart or lungs (except for asthma), overweight or diabetes.

So Folkhälsomyndigheten is keeping to its recommendation: people over 70 must continue to avoid physical and social contact as far as possibe and stay at home.

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Clifford JohansenSkicka e-post
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