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Migrants like it here – but equality doesn’t keep up

Migrants to Sweden really like living here and feel at home. They are interested in technical matters and accept the idea of equality of the sexes. But there are trouble-spots.
”We need more equality in practice if the women aren’t to work themselves to death”, says Bi Puranen, general secretary of World Values Survey, WVS.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 11 juli 2019
Maher Ahid Almabid from Baghdad in a discussion  with Daniel Brancalion-Lind on questions in the World Values Survey questionnaire at Urbana Hebygdsgården.
Maher Ahid Almabid from Baghdad in a discussion with Daniel Brancalion-Lind on questions in the World Values Survey questionnaire at Urbana Hebygdsgården.Foto: Inga-Lill Bengtsson

In 2018 WVS carried out a nationaL survey among people who had migrated to Sweden.

– We want to know how their values change when they leave Turkey, Iran or Iraq and come to Sweden. The purpose of the study is to understand the mechanisms involved, says Bi Puranen.

Bi Puranen, general secretary of World Values Survey. ”This is the first time we we are examining how people’s values change when they come to here Sweden from another culture”, she says.
Bi Puranen, general secretary of World Values Survey. ”This is the first time we we are examining how people’s values change when they come to here Sweden from another culture”, she says.Foto: Inga-Lill Bengtsson

Most migrants do not live in city suburbs.

– So we have chosen to make our survey in municipalities all over the country. We have obtained some good material, with a high frequency of responses, she says.

Some of those who answered have lived in Sweden for a long time, 25 years, some just for six months or so. People of all ages have answered. Most have come to Sweden in 2013 or later, when the big influx of refugees came from countries outside of Europe.

– The people who answered actually feel at home here in our cold climate. The prerequisites are good. What is worrying is the attitude towards homosexuals, abortion and divorce. There has been little change on those fronts. This means that women are trapped when they come to Sweden by having one baby after another, while we require an education and expect men to help in the house. We need more equality if women aren’t to work themselves to death.

”Can decide for oneself whether to get divorced or not”. The questionnaire contained many questions and was available in several languages.
”Can decide for oneself whether to get divorced or not”. The questionnaire contained many questions and was available in several languages.Foto: Inga-Lill Bengtsson
”Have women’s rights gone too far in Sweden?” No, says Maher Abid Almajid, right. He is discussing the survey with researcher Daniel Brancalion-Lind from WVS at Urbana Hembygdsgården.
”Have women’s rights gone too far in Sweden?” No, says Maher Abid Almajid, right. He is discussing the survey with researcher Daniel Brancalion-Lind from WVS at Urbana Hembygdsgården.Foto: Inga-Lill Bengtsson
Asmaa Alasi, left, and Fatima Herzallah, concentrate on the questions in the survey.
Asmaa Alasi, left, and Fatima Herzallah, concentrate on the questions in the survey.Foto: Inga-Lill Bengtsson

What will you do with the result?

– I think the problem will be resolved, but it isn’t enough to expect the authorities to do anything. Education and work with adult education are very important, getting them to be active in the life of the community, letting them take part in activities where they can exchange thoughts and ideas.

Were you surprised by the result?

– That they feel so much at home They want to be part of the Swedish community. But in the home it can be difficult for the children, when parents say one thing and schoolmates another. It is very clear - security leads to trust which leads to tolerance. That’s what I believe.

80 per cent feel secure.

– If you feel secure, trust follows on. That is vital for greater tolerance.. The level of trust is lower than it is among other Swedes. If we can get to grips with trust, tolerance will follow.


How do we create trust?

– The basis is that there is a functional welfare system, food on the table and an acceptable standard of living.


World Values Survey (WVS)

WVS is a worldwide network of researchers. They study values and how values affect social and political life. Since 1981 the network has collected information, mostly by means of questionnaires, from a representative selection of about 90 per cent of the world population.

In 2018 it was the first time WVS studied how people’s values change when they move from another culture to Sweden.

6,516 people in 54 municipalities answered. In Kristianstad 317 people answered.

More information at :

317 people in Kristianstad answered the survey from World Values Survey.
317 people in Kristianstad answered the survey from World Values Survey.Foto: Inga-Lill Bengtsson
Asmaa Alasi and Fatima Herzallah listen to instructions before answering the questions from World Values Survey  at Urbana Hembygdsgården.
Asmaa Alasi and Fatima Herzallah listen to instructions before answering the questions from World Values Survey at Urbana Hembygdsgården.Foto: Inga-Lill Bengtsson
Inga-Lill BengtssonSkicka e-post
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