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”Feel well” – group helps families to get to grips with obesity

There is a great need to provide help for children with obesity. So Centralsjukhuset i Kristianstad (CSK) is offering a course on how to treat the illness. A course will start in the autumn for children and parents who speak Arabic.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 2 oktober 2019
”It’s important not to make children and families feel guilty about being overweight. It’s society that has changed – and children and families are having to pay the price”, says Kristina Georgiev, paediatrician.
”It’s important not to make children and families feel guilty about being overweight. It’s society that has changed – and children and families are having to pay the price”, says Kristina Georgiev, paediatrician.Foto: Inga-Lill Bengtsson

The children and young people’s clinic at CSK has ”Feel well” -groups to help children and young people with obesity. In the groups, parents and children meet a doctor, a dietician and a nurse, as well as other experts. At the same time they meet other parents and children with similar problems.

If children are considered to be obese, that is, with a BMI (Body Mass Index ) of over 30, their school refers them to the hospital. The families are called to the ’Feel well’ groups that have been running for several years. They are greatly appreciated and attain good results. But getting in touch with Arabic-speaking families has proved to be difficult.


– During the spring we got together a group for Arabic speakers and an interpreter. The course was a great success and was very popular.

– Almost everyone turned up, says Christine Karström, manager of the clinic for children and young people.

In September a new group started for Arabic-speakers.

– The course starts with an information meeting for parents and children who are nine and upwards. We believe that information is important for both parents, because they are both part of the treatment. It is important that they know how the treatment is carried out, says paediatrician Kristina Georgiev, who is in chargeof the course.

Society has changed. There is a great deal of pressure from advertisements and the media for us to eat fast food and have a cosy Friday evening with crisps and soft drinks.
Society has changed. There is a great deal of pressure from advertisements and the media for us to eat fast food and have a cosy Friday evening with crisps and soft drinks.Foto: Inga-Lill Bengtsson

At the first meeting she talks for an hour with the help of an interpreter about what obesity is, strategies for treatment, what the hospital can offer parents in the way of advice on food, drinks and sleep.

– After the information we ask the parents to write down how they would like the treatment to continue.

Then the nurses carry on the treatment with a dietist, a doctor and an almoner. Appointments are made for various tests for the child, for example blood pressure is m easured and checks for a risk of diabetes are carried out.

Maher M has a daughter who is obese:

– We need concrete measures. We’ve been in Sweden for eighteen months. My child was obese before we came here. She needs proper help, but the queues are long. The course here is good. We need individual treatment, with a specialist, as soon as possible.



Overweight and obesity can be measured iusing the BMI – Body Mass Index. It is based on the correlation between weight and height. WHO, among others, use the BMI index to measure overweight/obesity. BMI is not an exact measurement - people come in different shapes and sizes.

Mohamad KaninaSkicka e-post
Inga-Lill BengtssonSkicka e-post
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