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A catfish weighing over 30 kilograms caught in Helge å

A very big catfish has been caught in Helge å by an angler. It weighed over 30 kilos.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 13 november 2018 • Uppdaterad 14 november 2018
Kevin Hoogesteyn from Klippan caught a huge catfish that he thinks weighed 30 kilos.
Kevin Hoogesteyn from Klippan caught a huge catfish that he thinks weighed 30 kilos.

Kevin Hoogesteyn from Klippan and his friends were fishing for pike in the lower part of Helge å. Then he got a bite that turned out to be a big fish, over 1.5 metres long. The scale which could take 25 kilos was not enough. Kevin Hoogesteyn thinks that the fish weighed 30-35 kilos.

– It's probably one of the biggest catfish caught lately, says Kevin Hoogesteyn to Kristianstadsbladet.


– It's not common to catch such a big catfish, it's protected and red listed.

Kevin Hoogesteyn released the catfish into the water again.

In 1999, twelve catfish were released in Nedre Helge å to try and get a new population going.

Inga-Lill BengtssonSkicka e-post
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