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Job matching has been able to offer 87 vacancies - opens again today

Since April, job matching has had 952 visitors. Visitors have been matched to 87 jobs that have not been posted on Platsbanken. Several companies were in place and the number of people applying for courses has increased. Today, Tuesday the 14th of January, job matching in Broby has opened again.
Östra Göinge • Publicerad 14 januari 2020 • Uppdaterad 15 januari 2020
Job matching started in April 2019. It is open every Tuesday between 10 am -12. Today Jens Skarp and his colleagues are back after the holidays.
Job matching started in April 2019. It is open every Tuesday between 10 am -12. Today Jens Skarp and his colleagues are back after the holidays.Foto: Tommy Svensson

Job matching started in Broby in April 2019. On average, 43 people attend the job matching session every Tuesday. In total, 952 people have visited. It’s difficult to say how many of those have found jobs.

– We have been able to offer 87 of our own vacancies. They haven't been posted on Platsbanken. In addition, there have been many companies here. They have been able to hold interviews on the spot, says Jens Skarp from the Östra Göinge municipality who organises job matching.


He has received many positive comments, both from those looking for jobs and those looking for employees.

Every week there has been a student counsellor in place. The result is that Göinge Utbildningscenter (the Göinge Education centre) in Sibbhult has had a record number of people enrolled onto their courses for this spring.

For example, the nurses’ training program has more students; 35 people have registered for preparatory training and 16 for the first semester of nursing college to be assistant nurses.

Preparatory training for the industry has 22 participants.

Among some of the companies that have been in place are: C4 Transport, Furuboda, Lärlingsakademien, Enfuturum, Wikan personal, Almi Montico, Maxkompetens, Pumana and Ikett.

Göinge matching will continue in spring. Today it is open at Kyrkogatan 6 in Broby, between 10 am - 12 pm.

Marie-Louise LindellSkicka e-post
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