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Immigration to Sweden decreases - Swedish-born the largest group

During the first half of this year, immigration decreased by ten per cent compared to the same period in 2018 according to Statistics Sweden, SCB (Statistika Centrabyrån). The largest group is people who are Swedish-born moving back to Sweden.
Sverige • Publicerad 30 augusti 2019
Immigration to Sweden has decreased. Above all, the group from Syria is declining, according to SCB.
Immigration to Sweden has decreased. Above all, the group from Syria is declining, according to SCB.Foto: Christine Olsson/TT

Above all, the group from Syria is declining. During the last five years, Syria has been the most common birthplace of immigrants.

– This is a sharp reduction, more than half, says Tomas Johansson, Researcher at Statistics Sweden.


But this year, however, the largest group is Swedish-born people who are returning to Sweden, and then it’s the group from Afghanistan.

– Immigration from Afghanistan is increasing compared to previous years, and it’s men that account for the whole increase, says Thomas Johansson.

A total of 55,222 immigrants came to Sweden during the first six months of this year. It’s the lowest measured figure since 2013.

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