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Football: Näsby IF’s match cut short – after 23(!) goals to opponents

Näsby’s match against Janstorp was cut short with ten minutes left to play. Näsby had too few players on the pitch. And they were down by 23-0!
Kristianstad • Publicerad 15 augusti 2019
Foto: Mikael Persson

When Näsby went to Janstorp on Wednesday they had only 13 players in the team. Several players are injured, some are suspended and some were on holiday.

After the first half, Janstorp led by 3-0. Then everything went haywire.


– Ten minutes into the second half we’re leading 6-0 and Näsby gives up any attempt to play. They start leaving the pitch one by one. With ten minutes left to play, the referee blew the final whistle. Näsby had too few players on the pitch, one of the Janstorp players, Jesper Johansson, tells Kristianstadsbladet.

– It’s the craziest thing I’ve ever seen. None of their players moved around on the pitch. They just gave us the ball after every kick-off.

Näsby’s trainer Sejdi Bajrami says:

– We started the match with six or seven players who were more or less injured. In the end we simply couldn’t carry on. We did our best.

Jesper Johansson doesn’t think so.

– As I saw it the players simply lost their fighting spirit. Even the goalie threw off his shirt, he says.

Referee Guran Broy broke off the match. At that point Janstorp were in the lead by 23-0.

Bajrami played in the match himself.

– We thought it was better to cut the match short. We’ve no complaints against the referee or the other team. We tried, but we simply weren’t up tp it, says Bajrami.Näsby IF’s match cut short – after 23 (!) goals to opponents


Division 4 Östra

Jonstorp-Näsby IF 23-0 (3-0)

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